Beauty & Gear are part of my lifestyle section in my blog MIYA Elsewhere.

Whether you are a man or a woman, dealing with mental and physical beauty is crucial to be completely satisfied. Therefore, I return to my website’s main subject, FREE TIME MANAGEMENT.

We are all very busy with work, daily obligations, obligations towards children, and similar ones. And it is hard to harmonize everything and have time for yourself. Even if you find time to treat yourself, it would be good to use it wisely.

I am 80% satisfied with how I manage my time. I also believe that no man is 100% satisfied. I have achieved this by always planning my time. Although I do not always follow my schedule, it helps me achieve what I want slowly. I never give up and always search for solutions to improve it.

It is the same when it comes to devoting time to yourself. It is a way to organize your free time to your advantage, which is why my articles are about practicality and topics that can help you manage your free time well and use it best.