What each of us wants is to enjoy life. I love enjoying beautiful moments alone or with my family now. I don’t just consider going to the cinema, traveling, having dinner, or reading a book for beautiful moments, but working or training hard too. For instance, I trained physically hard to compete in karate and worked hard physically in the vineyard. I want to say that different things make us happy. In conclusion, you need to examine what makes us happy for real.

The best example of this is parenting. Parents feel tired. In addition, raising children is not easy. However, at the same time, as they go through ‘hell,’ they enjoy that same hell because their children represent their greatest happiness. Find what makes you happy no matter what it is. I have some ideas that I would like to share with you, something I enjoy doing after work. What I want is anything but a dull and monotonous way of living. Above all, that is what I prefer. If I can inspire you too, it will bring me great pleasure.

In conclusion, I noticed that I have more energy because I have the motivation and enjoy every minute of my life. Here, look at some ideas for fun things you can do after work with the family to inspire you:


Visit an art museum or gallery

Art can be very inspiring. It encourages creativity and allows you to feel like you are not in this world. For children, it provides a memorable learning experience, and for the youngest one introduces unknown worlds. Study shows that it is significant for the brain development of children in the early years. It’s great fun if you go with the family or alone.

Surprise your kids with Theatre

Going to the theatre can be very important for children. A theatre where actors play different characters full of certain emotions can be a significant experience for children. ‘Field trips to live theatre enhance literary knowledge, tolerance, and empathy among students, according to a study.’ – says Science Daily

Also, it is proven that there are some benefits for children as young as three years old if they attend a live performance, says Dr. Natasha Kirkham. She is a senior lecturer in psychology and researcher at the Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development at Birkbeck University London.

She said that children could experience:

  • Better understanding of the content helps them be more socially tolerant and better able to question.
  • Performing art has a significant influence on children helping them to improve their academic performance
  • Theatre has a significant influence on children’s brains to improve their ability for positive social changing
Kids theatre

Go to the library

Visit your local library and borrow some new books. There are some libraries with areas reserved for children where you can read together and have some fun. Half an hour of reading is essential stimulation for children’s brain development.

Explore your hometown

Wandering the streets, finding galleries, playrooms, cafes, playgrounds, museums, parks, and sightseeing the city’s architecture can be fun for both children and adults.

Mini golf

Mini golf is a fun and bonding family activity. You can make mini teams, or not, and have some fun.

Try new food and cuisine

Take a look at google what restaurants you have in your area or maybe somewhere near a city that is not very far away. Try new flavors of Japanese, Vietnamese, South American, or Chinese cuisine. So children and you can learn what the traditional dishes of these nations are and try new flavors.


Go for a walk/hike

Since there is not much time after a working day, a short walk in a nearby park, or at the foot of a mountain, if it is close to you, is ideal for the family to be in the fresh air and enjoy physical activity.

Family roller-skating

If you have a place to ride rollerblades and it is safe, it can be fun for the family.

Family Frisbee time

Find good colorful frisbees and start having fun. There will be a lot of laughter and fun.

Family beach bonding

You should benefit from that wealth if you live by the sea, ocean, river, or lake. Going to the beach can contribute to both you and your children. You can swim, build sandcastles/mud castles, or relax.

Picnic time

The best meal is a meal in nature. It is excellent for family bonding. Nothing is more beautiful than when you are tired after work and playing with children to sit down and eat your favorite meal in the open sky.

Make your mosaic

Collect pebbles of different colors, shades, shapes, and sizes. Draw an animal, flower, or some object on paper, and then try to place the stones together to convey what you wanted to show. It can be a fun thing to do with your kids.

Climb the tree

Tree climbing is part of growing up. It can be dangerous, but with parents around, it could be okay. Outdoor activities are crucial for children’s development, problem-solving, critical thinking, and taking risks. Study shows a lot of benefits to natural play for children like:

  • Critical thinking (Bundy et al., 2009)
  • Imagination and creativity (Ginsberg, 2007)
  • Problem solving (Bundy et al., 2009)
  • Self-confidence (Benard, 1991)
  • Social interaction (Benard, 1991)
  • Dexterity and physical strength (Ginsberg, 2007)
  • Cognitive and emotional strength (Ginsberg, 2007)
  • Resiliency (Benard, 1991)
  • Risk negotiation (Bundy et al., 2009)
  • Spatial awareness (Stevens-Smith, 2004)

Gaze At the stars

There is nothing more beautiful than a warm evening and a clear sky full of stars. It doesn’t take much, a few big pillows or beanbags, a couple of blankets, and that’s it. Watching the stars and looking for the constellations is a beautiful relaxing game after a busy day.

Family bike ride after work

Cycling can be fun. Wherever you live, there are undoubtedly exciting routes for cyclists. In some countries, some applications can detect new ways for you. Healthy activity can contribute a lot to the family’s health, and your children will sleep well too, after it.

Explore a new playground

While exploring the city, you can find exciting playgrounds that you have not seen before. You can also use google to find undiscovered places where you can spend time with children enjoying a fun time.

Feed the ducks

Connecting children with animals has a tremendous positive impact. Feeding ducks can be fun for kids and you. I would only draw attention to how ducks do not eat bread because it is not suitable. Here are some ideas of what you can bring if you want this activity to be good for you and the ducks.

  • Sweetcorn
  • Lettuce
  • Frozen peas
  • Oats
  • Seeds
  • Rice

Swimming time

Swimming has a lot of positive effects on children and adults. During cardiovascular activity, the condition of the lungs and heart significantly improves. They prove that the connection between the body and the mind is also enhanced. That way, the development of the brain and intelligence improves.

The positive effect of water and swimming is high when we talk about stress. For children, blocking swimming fear is also essential. It helps to build self-confidence.

Horse riding

The Science Daily introduced the latest research ‘the effects of vibrations produced by horses during horse-riding lead to the activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which improves learning in children.’

Even before, we knew that riding a horse could be a fantastic experience for kids. Horse riding provides physical activity for children, building their muscles and improving coordination.

Also, self-discipline while riding helps children to achieve their goals and be determined. While learning about equipment, riding techniques, and other things about horses build confidence and self-esteem.

Having a few classes of horse riding can be a fun time and bonding for the family. 

Play hide-and-seek

This game is perfect for small children, and you can play anywhere. If you have a toddler, it is easy to play in the house and the yard. If the children are a bit older, the best fun is in the park.


Art project for kids at home

Art is great because it can connect you to your children. It can help develop deeper feelings, intelligence, and creativity and make you and your children happy. Art can occupy children for quite a long time, and then there is good communication with them and beautiful moments for the family.

Learn origami

The simplest way to stimulate children is to let them do something. Origami can be simple for toddlers, and it can be more complicated if it is for older children. Origami is a fun challenge but also an excellent time spent with the family.

Indoor hobbies for families

A hobby helps children and adults to do what they love and that motivates them to be better at work, school, or anywhere else. There is plenty of opportunities and skills you can learn and develop and do as a family. Here are some ideas:

  • Drawing, painting, sculpturing
  • Baking and cooking for kids
  • Make your family quizzes
  • Knitting
  • Woodworking
  • Calligraphy
  • Felting
  • Paper making
  • Jewellery making
  • Poetry writing
  • Dancing
  • Playing an instrument

Board games for kids

Get out your old board games and have a family game night. Different games like Monopoly, Pictionary, Cluedo or Ticket to ride can bring you fun.

Let the kids cook dinner

Children like to be involved in everything that adults do, including cooking. Depending on the age, you can find exciting and easy recipes that make cooking easier for your little ones. Teach your kids about giving, and have them bake something or cook for neighbors too. It’s a great way to get to know the people who live near you, but also teach generosity too.

Family watch a sporting game/indoor picnic

There are significant sporting events throughout the year. You and your partner will determine what you will watch with your children. Just watching a football game or a motorcycle race is not as significant as a result and the atmosphere of cheering with your children.

Indoor Picnic

Spread blankets and bean bags on the floor as if you were on a picnic, serve healthy snacks, cookies, fruit, and everything you enjoy watching the game.

Family BBQ ideas

BBQ can be fun in both summer and winter, it is vital that the weather is dry. In winter, you can combine it with winter games and mulled wine, and in summer, it is much easier to organize a party.

Family cocktail party night

Make cocktail masterclass at home for kids. There are a lot of exciting recipes for children. Making cocktails can be a lot of fun with exciting music and party lights. Make a great party for the little ones and enjoy the time together.

Family puzzle

Get a huge puzzle that really challenges you and tackle it as a family. You will have lots of fun.

Family movie night

You can find a projector and make a small cinema. Make a ticket for the movie and serve popcorn. The perfect way to chill out together. I do not recommend doing it often especially when the kids are too young.

Whatever you choose to do will benefit you for family bonding and build remarkable moments worth remembering.

Q & A

What hobbies can I do after work?

What’s better than lying down and watching TV after a long day? It’s incredible, but lying down and watching TV is more is not helping than it helps. What a person needs to feel better and more relaxed is some creative work.

  • Reading to your kids. Reading stimulates the imagination and thus the mood too. 
  • Write a story, poetry, or a song. It can be fun to read your creation.
  • Cook with your kids
  • Meditate or do yoga with your partner and kids
  • Do something that will produce an end-result e.g., grow garden with your family
  • Knit your holiday gifts together. If your partner does not like it, he can play music, for example.
  • You can organize art workshops for you and your kids, such as painting, drawing, sculpturing, etc.

What can you do for fun after work?

First, figure out what do you like and whatnot. Then, write a list of activities that make you relax, inspire you, and give you some fun moments.

  • Engage in a hobby such as painting, playing music, writing, cooking, etc.
  • Go for a picnic with your family
  • Go to a beach, have some family games and a good time
  • Do a cooking classes for your kids could be fun
  • Make a family bicycle tour 

There is a lot of options for you and your family to arrange some activities. Just keep in mind how much time you have.


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