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Fast & Well Planned Morning Routine

For someone, every morning is different, or it is the same. What is typical for all mornings for each person is that we feel fresh and more energized than in the evening.

I believe that a planned morning routine can benefit you more, make your day more productive, and make you feel better and happier.

There are a lot of benefits to having a good morning routine. It is an excellent base for your day.

Benefits of the well-planned morning routine

  • A planned morning routine can help improve stress and productivity.
  • I am feeling more in control of my day and life.
  • It makes you feel Engaged purposefully with your daily tasks and plan for the day.
  • Well-organized and planned mornings are fast and efficient. It can make you feel efficient, and to develop a sense of completion.
  • You can adopt more healthy habits in the time long-term

Two important things you need to respect to succeed in this mission

  • It’s important to try and wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day. That way, you will ensure good sleep and avoid stressful and restless feelings.
  • Psychologists recommend avoiding your phone and not hitting snooze right when you wake up. Nothing will change if you switch off your phone 2 hours before sleep.

MIYA’s tip:

If you have a problem with sleeping, you can use some natural remedies for relaxation, such as Valerian (Valeriana officinalis). Or, you can use music made for deep sleep. That option helped me when I was studying a lot.

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis).

Good night sleep

The end of the day should be in a more quiet, relaxed, and cozy atmosphere without exercise and some extra activities.

  • A nice and warm bath can help you relax, with other etheric oil essence and slow music.
  • Reading the book can take you to another world without routine, daily tasks, and work.
  • You can set up a time to turn off the TV and other electronics. And, if you still feel you would like to do something, then draw, crochet, or whatever is creative and inspire you.
  • Set your alarm clock for the morning, and try to get enough sleep. Everyone has different needs. Listen to your body; your body will tell you how many hours of sleep you need.

Wake up at the right time

Very important:

  • Avoid the snooze button.
  • Before you jump out from your bad, lay for a few minutes and activate your imagination. Think about how beautiful the day will be or what would you like to do in a near future. Would you like to do some project, or you would like to go for a short trip? Maybe to write a book but you never had the courage to do it.
  • Prepare the night before to eliminate morning decision-making, extra packing, and losing time for your morning rituals.

Use positive affirmations to start your morning

Affirmations liberate you from less confidence and build a positive mindset. When said in the morning, positive affirmations can motivate you to do your best and believe in yourself throughout the day. 

Examples of affirmations

  • I am excited about the day.
  • I am grateful for my job. 
  • I am grateful for my health
  • My dreams matter
  • I am full of powerful vibrations
  • I nourish my body and my mind

Make Your Bed

This habit does not look like an important one, but it has a significant influence on the whole day. When you make your bad with care, and it looks tide, you will feel successful and capable to finish your tasks well. Your whole day will be filled with this kind of mindset.

Hydration as a part of the fast morning routine

  • Drink a full glass of water. If you do not like plain water use oranges, lemon, mint, or any other herb to flavor it.      
  • Enjoy a cup of infusion/tea. There is a plenty of options very healthy (herbs) for morning tea/infusion.

Prioritize important tasks

I always recommend monthly or weekly planning. That way you clear your mind, and you know your high/medium/low priority. You can do this with a checklist or personal planner. 

Fit in a quick workout

Since I am training at 6 am, I achieve more during the day. I feel better and more motivated and more energized.

Examples of morning activity routine

  • Jogging near the river, park, or whatever is close to you
  • Riding a bike outside, or inside while watching educational videos, or listening to a podcast
  • Doing yoga to strengthen your core
  • You can join to fitness group. I find this option perfect if you lack motivation

Take a cold shower

Increase blood flow, burn away unhealthy fat, and release dopamine into the body. Like exercise, it kick-starts your body.

Important self-care routine

Mental care

  • Read a book you enjoy to get your brain ready to work
  • Meditation
  • Talk to your family and people you love – boosts your oxytocin levels (the love hormone), and increases serotonin (elevates mood and creates happiness).

Physical care

  • Quick mask for face cleaning could make you feel more fresh and ready to work
  • Face, neck, chest, and hand peeling can boost your circulation and clean your skin. Stimulation of periphery circulation has a lot of positive effects.
  • Face or scalp massages are good for stimulation as well as for relaxation at the same time.

Prepare a healthy breakfast

As I always recommend planning and preparation as the key to saving precious time we have. I recommend planning your meals too. Sometimes it can look like you are not sure what you want to eat in 3 days, which is true, but most of the time you know what you like and what you would possibly eat.

  • Take a few extra minutes in the week to make a small plan of what you are going to eat throughout the week. I suggest your breakfast be easy to make fast and that way you will have more time
  • If you think it is not possible to have a fast, healthy, and tasty breakfast please see some of my recipes here (Blog, or video channel). I will make more recipes too to inspire you to live healthier and happier.
  • Make a mood board with breakfasts. This is perfect when you lack inspiration. Pictures always look good and could be the best inspiration when you are not in the mood.

Clean your physical space.

When our physical space is clean, tidy, and looks fresh, our minds often feel the same way.

MIYA’sa motivational ideas for a productive and fast morning routine:

  • motivational music
  • Call a loved one
  • Podcast, Read an industry blog post, or a book
  • Take a moment to stretch
  • Meditation
  • Start the first journal entry (including prompts about something learned, things to be grateful for, and what to focus on for the day

Those fast morning activities and routines will bring you a better mood, and that way you will avoid burnout. You will feel better, motivated, inspired, and energized.


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